You are warmly invited to attend our Open Day/Evening sessions on Thursday 4th October.  Both sessions will start with a welcome talk from the headteacher followed by a tour of the school.  To book onto either the 10.00 a.m. or the 6.00 p.m. session, please phone the school office on 262811 or alternatively email us at

We look forward to welcoming you to our school.




Updated: 28/02/2025 684 KB
Please note that we require a Supplementary Information Form for ALL applications with evidence (where necessary) of baptism/faith information. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE TWO DIFFERENT FORMS - AN ARCHDIOCESE FORM AND A LANCASHIRE FORM - EITHER FORM CAN BE USED WITH YOUR APPLICATION.
Updated: 15/03/2024 159 KB
Please note that we require a Supplementary Information Form for ALL applications with evidence (where necessary) of baptism/faith information. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE TWO DIFFERENT FORMS - AN ARCHDIOCESE FORM AND A LANCASHIRE FORM - EITHER FORM CAN BE USED WITH YOUR APPLICATION.
Updated: 17/09/2024 187 KB
Updated: 14/03/2023 563 KB
Updated: 03/10/2023 310 KB
Please note that we require a Supplementary Information Form for ALL applications with evidence (where necessary) of baptism/faith information. If your child was baptised at Chorley St Mary's, we can check the baptismal register - so no proof is required. PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE ARE TWO DIFFERENT FORMS - AN ARCHDIOCESE FORM AND A LANCASHIRE FORM - EITHER FORM CAN BE USED WITH YOUR APPLICATION.
Updated: 10/10/2023 152 KB