Girls & Boys:- Red sweatshirt with royal blue T-shirt (optional). These can be purchased from the school office.
Girls & Boys:- Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back with a bobble throughout the day.
White shirt White shirt
Logo Navy V-neck jumper/cardigan Logo Navy V-neck jumper
Logo Navy Zip-Up Fleece (optional) Logo Navy Zip-Up Fleece (optional)
Gold & Navy Tie (Rec-Y2 elastic/ Y3-Y6 small tie) Gold & Navy Tie (Rec-Y2 elastic/Y3-Y6 small tie)
Grey Skirt/Trousers/Pinafore Grey Trousers
Black Shoes Black Shoes
Year 6 Girls & Boys:- Leaver's hoodies may be worn on PE days and Fridays ONLY
Girls & Boys:- Hair longer than shoulder length must be tied back with a bobble throughout the day.
Navy Checked Gingham Dress Grey Shorts
PE KIT – Girls & Boys
Children should attend school in their PE kit on the day of their PE lesson and should comprise of the following items:-
Plain black or navy shorts (for indoor and warm weather PE)
Plain black or navy jogging bottoms (with or without school logo for outdoor cold weather PE)
Plain white T-shirt (with or without school logo)
School jumper, cardigan or fleece
A pair of black pumps (indoor PE) or trainers (outdoor PE)
Children should always have a coat in school with them, even in Summer, given our British climate! One possibility may be to store a 'Pac a Mac' type coat within your child's bag. Although there is no set policy on a school coat, we would advise against any denim/leather coats.
MOST IMPORTANTLY:- All items of uniform must be clearly labelled with the child’s name
If you would like to order any items of uniform, please complete the order form below and hand to the school office.