The school day
Morning registration is at 0850 - 0855
Afternoon registration is at 1305 -1310
The school day starts at 0850. Pupils are expected to be on the premises at that time and that is when the registration period starts (i.e. when the register is taken and remains open).
When the attendance register has been taken it remains open until 0920 in the morning and 1330 in the afternoon.
School finishes at 1520.
Term Dates
Holidays during term time: The school is under no obligation to authorise absences for holidays in term time. We encourage all parents to consider the disruption holidays in term time cause. Parents are expected to support school attendance by avoiding family holidays during term time, especially at key times, eg national tests.
The Headteacher will only authorise leave of absence in term time in exceptional circumstances. Authorisation of all requests during term time will only be considered on completion of an Absence Request Form. Forms are available from the main office or you can download the document below. The forms should be submitted at least 30 days in advance of your request (if possible).
Leave of Absence Request