One of our dads and his daughter have had a brilliant idea. The daughter loves reading books and can often read the same book three or four times over. Now, she has shelves full of books at home that she has read over and over, that she's probably a little too old for now and that it's likely she will not read again. Rather than just getting rid of them, she is sure that a younger reader may well love to read them too.
In addition, she has a huge appetite for newer, maybe more challenging books, and she figures that there may be an older reader in our school who also has lots of books they are not going to read again and might be happy to give away to younger readers.
So, the idea is this, to have a giant book swap. On Wednesday 29th March we are going to give it a go and have a big book swap in the school hall during break time. Children can bring in books that they are finished with and are happy to give away. They can then browse books other children have brought in and take them home if they so wish. If there are any left over we can put them in the various class libraries. If successful, the hope is we could do this on a termly or half-termly basis.