Chorley St Mary’s Catholic Nursery and Primary School is a welcoming, inclusive family with a Christian ethos, a strong sense of community and a commitment to excellence for all children in our care. We want our children to reach their full potential and to work in partnership with all our stakeholders.
As a School Governing Board, we have three key functions:
• Planning the strategic direction of the school
• Overseeing the financial performance of the school and ensuring money is well spent
• Holding the Headteacher and Leadership of the school to account
As a Board, we are currently developing our long-term strategic plan which will ensure that we fulfil our key functions and that the school continues to improve and develop to achieve the best outcomes for our children.
These are the aims that we are proposing:
With Christ at the heart of everything we do, we will:
• be the best we can be and maintain our excellent reputation at the heart of our community
• continually improve pupils’ outcomes (spiritually, morally, and educationally)
• retain, attract, and develop talented staff, governors, and volunteers
• ensure that we are financially strong and secure
• be committed to ensuring our school is taking responsibility for a sustainable future
We now want to check with you if you think that we have got it right or have missed anything and would appreciate your feedback. Parents have been sent the questionnaire to complete on the Groupcall system but If another member of your family i.e. grandparent, family friend or former parent at the school would like to complete the survey, please ask them to follow this link https://surveyhero.com/c/smky3wd7 Could you please complete the questionnaire by Friday 11th November.
Once we agree, we will further develop a detailed delivery plan which will be monitored and shared with you on an ongoing basis.
If you have any questions or would like more information about the strategic role of governors please see the National website https://www.nga.org.uk/Knowledge-Centre/Vision-ethos-and-strategic-direction/Being-Strategic-A-guide-for-governing-boards.aspx. You can also contact the Governors via the email address GSVconsultations@chorleystmarys.lancs.sch.uk
Thank you.
Kath Smith
Chair of Governors on behalf of the Governing Board