All classes from Reception to Year 6 are off on a pantomime trip - Oh no they're not - Oh yes they are!!
We are off to watch Cinderella at the Dukes Theatre in Lancaster, on Friday 13th December.
We will depart from school directly after registration (please could we ensure all pupils arrive at school by 8.45 a.m. on this day - doors will open at 8.35) and will return to school for a late lunch at approx. 1.15 p.m. On this day, the schools meals service will be offering a packed lunch instead of a hot dinner. Children are able to bring with them a small bag of sweets/chocolate bar to eat during the interval as a treat.
School uniform will be worn.
The total cost of the trip (ticket & coach fare) is £15.00 to be paid via Parentpay before the day of the trip.