This is a meeting on for parents interested in a place for their child in St Mary’s
reception class for September 2022.
As we still need to be highly cautious about reducing risk of COVID transmission, we will not be giving a tour of the school this year. Instead, our headteacher Mr Smyth, will give a short presentation and parents/ carers will be able to ask any questions that they may have. We will hold the meeting in the school hall, space the chairs out and keep the room as well ventilated as possible.
There is an opportunity to watch our school open day video, which will give a further insight into school life at St Mary’s. It is available on our school website.
If you would like to attend, please book on below or email Mrs Wilson, our School Business Manager to reserve a place at office@chorleystmarys.lancs.sch.uk
Please note that there is a maximum of 2 guests per family. Thank you.